This article briefs you up on different methods on how to get paint off of shoes in the most effective manner. It might be of great help, especially to the people working in the field of art to those who get paint splattered over their shoes while taking up some DIY painting projects.
If you have ever tried getting paint out of shoes, you definitely have known that it can be quite a daunting task. It gets even more difficult for certain materials such as fabric and canvas. However, when you know how to do it in the right way, it won’t be very difficult and neither too time-consuming.
Here you will learn about the different tested methods on how to get paint off of shoes using simple and effective methods. The tutorial has been categorized into different sections with tips on how to get paint off of shoes depending on the material used for the shoes and the type of paint to be removed.
How To Get Paint Off of Shoes Made From The Canvas?
1. Latex, Acrylic, and Water Based Paint

Materials Required
Cleaning wet paint is much easier than cleaning dry paint. Therefore, if there is still some wet paint on the shoes, wipe it away. If there has been a massive spill, use a spoon to scoop off the excess paint before wiping it off with a cloth or a tissue.
How to remove paint off of shoes if it has already dried? You can use a knife for this purpose. Try to remove as much as you can. After this is done, use the toothbrush to remove the remaining paint. Be gentle while doing so. Avoid using an excess of pressure as it can damage the shoes.
When the wet paint has been sufficiently removed, rinse it under a stream of warm running water to remove all the remaining paint. You can also blot out the wet paint with a cloth and repeat the rinsing again and again till much of the paint has been removed.
Use the toothbrush to scrub away all the paint from the sole of the shoe.
Prepare a soap mixture by combining one part warm water and one part dish soap or a detergent. Dip a cloth in this mixture and wring out the excess soapy water. Use this cloth to rub over the spots that have been stained with paint. You can be vigorous while doing so. You can also use a rough sponge for the same purpose. This process should be repeated until you have removed much of the paint from the shoe.
If there is still some paint left after the above step, take a cotton ball/ swan and pour some nail polish remover over it. Use this to blot out the paint in a gentle manner till all the paint has been removed. When this is done, take the shoe and rinse it under warm water.
Put your shoes in the washing machine and run them on a delicate cycle using cold water. Take them out and leave them to dry.
Materials Required
Start by scooping and wiping away the wet paint from the shoes. You can use the spoon or a blunt knife and a clean cloth while doing so.
Take a cotton swab and soak it in rubbing alcohol. Give a gentle squeeze to make sure that the swab is not dripping with alcohol. Then dab it over the stained spots. This process helps in loosening the stubborn paint and lightening the area.
If the stain is too stubborn, you can use the mineral spirit and warm water alternate while using a toothbrush and a clean cloth to blot out the stain thoroughly. Make sure that you are blotting out the spots and not rubbing it. Rubbing can only spread the paint and make it even worse.
Mix dish soap with warm water to create a concentrated mixture. Rub this over the shoes using a rough sponge. Remember that the soft sponge used for washing dishes will not work here. If you cannot get hold of a sponge, you can also use a cotton cloth for the same.
You can also use the washing machine to wash the shoes. However, make sure that you are using cold water and washing it with delicate cycle. Then leave the shoes to air dry.
How To Get Paint Off of Shoes Made From Leather?

Removing paint from leather shoes is a little tricky, mainly because you will be required to take steps to preserve the leather, which is rather delicate and gets damaged easily. Given below are the tips on how to get paint off of shoes while also restoring them to their original texture.
2. Latex or Acrylic Based Paint
Materials Required
The good things about leather are that the paint does not seep too deep into the material as is the case with fabric shoes. So how to get paint off of shoes, when it is leather you are dealing with? You can start by wiping away any wet paint over the surface. Use a clean cloth while doing so and take care not to smear it over a larger area. Deal with a small section at a time.
Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and give it a slight squeeze to remove the excess liquid. Dab this swab over the spots with paint. This will loosen the paint and make the removal easier. Repeat this over until the paint has been sufficiently removed.
Use a clean, dry cloth to blot out the paint and wipe it till the surface is dry
The thing with leather is that it can easily get a dry and discolored appearance after you have used alcohol on it. So how to get paint off of shoes without harming the texture? The answer is to use some leather wax after the cleaning and buff the shoes till gives a glossy finish.
The process is almost the same while removing oil-based paint. However, you can use commercial residue removing product instead of rubbing alcohol. Also, make it a point to leave the shoes overnight to dry before buffing with leather wax. You may also use leather conditioner for the same purpose.
If you have an idea on how to get paint off of shoes, it can come to use anytime. However, knowing how to get paint off of shoes is not enough unless you act promptly. The removal process is much easier when the paint is still wet. Dried paint is difficult to remove and can also harm the texture of your shoes. Hope this article on how to get paint off of shoes comes in handy for you when you need it.