The leather stuff makes the smartest and stylish footwear for both men and women. All this comes at a good cost and warrants good care in order to prolong its life span. Depending on the source and the concentration of leather, they may have different limitations and issues to deal with.
Sometimes due to storage conditions or sometimes excessive usage may cause creases on the shoe. And if you know how to remove creases from the leather shoe you can surely keep the shoe in shape for a long time.
One very common issue is the appearance of creases over the leather, which looks ugly and makes your shoe worn out. However, the good thing is that these creases can be treated and can make your footwear as good as a new one.
Why Crease Appears on Leather Shoes?
Before we get into the solution, we must understand why crease or wrinkle appears on leather footwear. This information might also help you with a preventive approach so that these creases do not appear in the first place.
There is a strong belief that the top quality leather shoes don’t develop any wrinkles. This is not true as there are a number of reasons that could cause those wrinkles or creases to appear.
One good reason for the development of wrinkle son leather shoes is when you make them store improperly for a longer period of time. There could be a case where some sharp or heavy object is pressing onto your shoes while in storage.
Wrinkles are normally seen in the leather shoes at the meeting point of the foot with the toe. If it is repeatedly bent at this point, which is also due to the normal motion, then wrinkles at that point do develop.
You must get those shoes only that best fits you. It has been seen a number of times that poorly fitting leather shoes develop creases at a different area of your shoes. A shoe that is larger in size might have lesser wrinkles as compared to the one with a tighter fit. Therefore, aptly sized leather shoes should always be ensured.
Different Techniques To Remove Creases From Leather Shoes:
The easiest way to deal creases on leather is to address them as soon as they appear. The following are some tried and tested DIY techniques to treat creases or wrinkles from the leather shoes:
Leather Oil
All you need here is a soft dry cloth and few drops of top quality leather oil. Apply the leather oil over the wrinkles on the footwear and massage it very gently with the cloth. You might need to stretch the leather stuff as well in order to make them disappear. Once the oil is fully absorbed then put the footwear over an adequate shoe stretcher in order to keep it stretched for a few hours. It is a good method to show considerable results in new and small creases.
Alcohol Treatment
This is an approach that could work both for new and older creases on leather shoes. You need to have an empty spray bottle and make it filled with half a portion of rubbing alcohol and half a portion of water. Spray the mixture over the wrinkles and gently massage with a dry cloth.
Let the shoe dry after the massaging and apply shoe polish or maybe leather conditioner afterward. Place the shoe on a shoe stretcher in order to keep it stretched for a few hours.
This helps in keeping the texture of the shoe while keeping the creases out of the sight in an easy way.
Iron Usage
The clothing iron can also help with the reduction of wrinkles on the leather shoes. This works exceptionally well on leather-based sneakers.
You will need to have a newspaper, a washcloth, insulation tape, and a clothing iron. Start by shaping the newspaper as the shape of your feet. Use the insulation tape to make the newspaper maintain the shape and then place it inside your shoe. Remove the laces (if any) and then soak the cloth in water.
Place it then over the wrinkles. The iron should be heated than at around 80 degrees F. Once the clothing iron is hot then start ironing it over the leather creases.
The steam produced through the damp cloth would soften and as well as stretch the wrinkles. Leave the cloth over the footwear until it cools off. Remove it later and let the shoe dry. But make sure not to overheat the shoe and iron must be handled with care with a temperature that will not harm the shoe texture and will only help in removing the creases in a gentle manner.
Blow Dryer
A hairdryer is usually found at home and could help you with the unwanted creases on your leather shoes. Switch on the hairdryer and put it at its hottest setting. Direct the hairdryer over the creases while keeping a distance of around 3 inches. You should be constantly moving the hairdryer in order to avoid any chance of burning your shoes.
The creases in the meantime should be gently massaged as well in order to help with stretching. Once you get the desired results then let the shoe cool down and massage it with leather conditioner. It is an ideal technique that works for dress shoes.
Final Verdict:
Creases on the shoes never look good and that is why there is always a need to have a way out to avoid or remove the creases from leather shoes. In fact, leather shoes look great with their fine finish but they also need lots of care to help with maintaining the perfect leathery touch on them.
You need to be careful in selecting the right solution as well because if you intend to use methods that affect the leather texture then this can harm the overall shoe as well.
The leather shoes can be well maintained from developing creases with the preventive approach. You should consider different ways discussed above that could develop wrinkles. If creases still appear on leather, then there are a good number of DIY techniques to make your leather shoes totally free of creases.